If you live in Canada, have time and want quality… or you want an official print of the image as I have taken it… then I recommend you dont purchase a download file.
If you dont live in Canada or are in a rush… or want to use one of my images in an advertisement… then purchasing a download would work of you.
How to select a download
- Go to to my online shop.
- Click on the image you want.
- Then for Size, select “Original Crop”
- Then for format, select either:
- Download Personal Use
- Download Commercial Use
- For more information on each click here.

5. Complete the order as per usual.
6. When you have finished the order, including payment, you will see a page summary of your purchase.
7. On this page, click on the blue button in the “Download” column (your blue button could be labelled differently).

8. The download will begin.
9. Please Note, these are large image files. The download will take a few minutes or longer depending on your download speeds.
From your account
You can also download the file from your account. To do this:
- When you made your purchase an account was made using your email address as the username.
- The password was automatically sent to that same email address. Before you begin, find the email with the password.
- Then go to my website’s menu and select “my account“
- Login.
- Then click on “downloads”
- And then click on the blue button in the “Download” column (your blue button could be labelled differently)

8. The download will begin.
9. Please Note, these are large image files. The download will take a few minutes or longer depending on your download speeds.
To Print
- Take the file that you receive after your purchase.
- To a professional printer to have them print you a copy so you can use it as per your license.
- All Images for print are TIFF files. Other file formats are available through special request.
- If you have any questions please contact me directly.
Remember, you are never allowed to sell copies of any of my images. You can only make copies for your self
Be warned all my images have their copyright embedded into them. So if you do break the law and profit on my hard work and leave me poor, homeless and hungry, my lawyers and myself will be able to find you and your bank accounts.